Crawl Data With Amazon Proxy
Buy an Amazon proxy to grab all types of data, including searches, products, offer listings, Q&A, reviews, best-selling products, sellers, and ASIN numbers.
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Socks5 Proxies
ISP Proxies
Supports city-level positioning in 190+ countries/regions. No charge if unavailable
+Free 600IPs
ISP Proxies (Business)
Over 200 million real residential IP addresses, enjoy the lowest discount price on the platform.
83% OFF, -$6750
Static Residential Proxies
Stable and reliable residential proxies valid for 7~30 days
Supports IP detection, no balance will be deducted if unavailable
Traffic Plans
Residential Proxies
Billing based on traffic, supports random and sticky rotation modes
+Free 100GB
Residential Proxies (Business)
No deduction if not used, valid forever.
Unlimited Residential Proxies
Unlimited IP and unlimited traffic using residential proxy.
Applicable to residential proxies, supports viewing detailed traffic log data
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SOCKS5 Tools
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ISP Proxies
Supports city-level positioning in 190+ countries/regions. No charge if unavailable
$0.05/IP +Free 600 IPs
ISP Proxies (Business)
Over 200 million real residential IP addresses, enjoy the lowest discount price on the platform.
$0.045/IP 83%OFF,-$6750
Static Residential Proxies
Stable and reliable residential proxies valid for 7~30 days
Residential Proxies
Billing based on traffic, supports random and sticky rotation modes.
$0.77/GB + Free 100 GB
Residential Proxies (Business)
No deduction if not used, valid forever.
Unlimited Residential Proxies
Unlimited IP and unlimited traffic using residential proxy.
Rotating ISP Proxies
Pay by GB, time limit is up to 24H
Windows Beta
Mac OS
Mozilla Firefox Add-on
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Use mobile phone to scan and download APP
Buy an Amazon proxy to grab all types of data, including searches, products, offer listings, Q&A, reviews, best-selling products, sellers, and ASIN numbers.
Amazon proxy is a powerful data collection tool with over 60 million residential proxies, which is why you can collect any product-related data on Amazon in an instant.
Product list, product details, product pictures and videos.Product reviews, product search results, market trends.Customer questions and answers about the product.
Use Amazon proxies to monitor your competitors pricing changes in real time, and then adjust your pricing strategy accordingly. You can also gather information about competitors product listings, inventory, etc., to enhance your own business.
You can grab customer reviews of various brands in the market and learn the latest market trends by using Amazon proxies.
Keyword research is conducted by grabbing information such as location, URL, ASIN number, product title, product price, product discount, product reviews, and product coupons.
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